January 17, 2006 City Manager Under Fire
From: Stephen Millard
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:00 PM
To: Mayor Peggy Delach; Mayor Pro Tem Meline Juarez; Councilman George Chadwick; Councilman John King; Councilman Kevin Stapleton
Cc: City Clerk's Office
Subject: City Manager Performance Review - Council Closed Session Item D-1 of 1/17/06
The purpose of this transmittal is to submit comments relevant to the performance of the city manager. Basically, this individual has not demonstrated the professionalism, straightforwardness, and ability to manage Covina in a manner that addresses the major issues confronting the community. Details have been provided to the City Council on numerous occasions regarding specific instances related to the foregoing opinion. However, a few of the pertinent points are reiterated below as a reminder:
1. The Community and Council are constantly told, particularly in documentation related to the budgets, that the City is in such dire straits that it is essentially facing fiscal collapse unless more taxes are imposed. However, the audited annual reports do not support that assertion.
2. A comprehensive integrated systematic long-term strategy to identify Covina’s fiscal challenges, and recommendations as to how to resolve them, has not been prepared despite the fact that this individual has been here over five years. Instead, items and issues continue to be addressed on a piecemeal basis – and excuses are often provided instead of proposed solutions.
3. Information presented to the City Council in support of staff reports is frequently incomplete and misleading (especially in the Fiscal Impact section) – which gives the appearance that it is, instead of being objective data, little more than propaganda designed to elicit a desired response. A Council needs to be able to make informed decisions based on a foundation of fact rather than on opinions.
4. Items are often delayed to the last minute, which forces the Council to make hurried decisions.
5. Failure to follow-up on matters in a timely manner, if at all.
6. An argumentative attitude. The exhibition at a public meeting on 11/10/05 when the city manager was arguing with a group of people (which included an octogenarian and someone with a hearing aid) about their ability to hear what he was saying (without a microphone) being a vivid example.
7. Questionable, as evidenced by multiple letters from the District Attorney’s Office, compliance with the intent of the Brown Act to make the workings of Covina’s government more transparent.
8. An inability to communicate, which extends to blocking emails, with some of his critics.
9. Lack of response to requests for substantiating data required to support his positions and statements.
A city manager needs to be candid, consistent, and competent. When these qualities are perceived to be lacking it can result in credibility issues that can negatively impact the whole community. This city manager’s contract expires on May 31 of this year. It seems that it would be beneficial to Covina to not extend or renew that agreement.
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:00 PM
To: Mayor Peggy Delach; Mayor Pro Tem Meline Juarez; Councilman George Chadwick; Councilman John King; Councilman Kevin Stapleton
Cc: City Clerk's Office
Subject: City Manager Performance Review - Council Closed Session Item D-1 of 1/17/06
The purpose of this transmittal is to submit comments relevant to the performance of the city manager. Basically, this individual has not demonstrated the professionalism, straightforwardness, and ability to manage Covina in a manner that addresses the major issues confronting the community. Details have been provided to the City Council on numerous occasions regarding specific instances related to the foregoing opinion. However, a few of the pertinent points are reiterated below as a reminder:
1. The Community and Council are constantly told, particularly in documentation related to the budgets, that the City is in such dire straits that it is essentially facing fiscal collapse unless more taxes are imposed. However, the audited annual reports do not support that assertion.
2. A comprehensive integrated systematic long-term strategy to identify Covina’s fiscal challenges, and recommendations as to how to resolve them, has not been prepared despite the fact that this individual has been here over five years. Instead, items and issues continue to be addressed on a piecemeal basis – and excuses are often provided instead of proposed solutions.
3. Information presented to the City Council in support of staff reports is frequently incomplete and misleading (especially in the Fiscal Impact section) – which gives the appearance that it is, instead of being objective data, little more than propaganda designed to elicit a desired response. A Council needs to be able to make informed decisions based on a foundation of fact rather than on opinions.
4. Items are often delayed to the last minute, which forces the Council to make hurried decisions.
5. Failure to follow-up on matters in a timely manner, if at all.
6. An argumentative attitude. The exhibition at a public meeting on 11/10/05 when the city manager was arguing with a group of people (which included an octogenarian and someone with a hearing aid) about their ability to hear what he was saying (without a microphone) being a vivid example.
7. Questionable, as evidenced by multiple letters from the District Attorney’s Office, compliance with the intent of the Brown Act to make the workings of Covina’s government more transparent.
8. An inability to communicate, which extends to blocking emails, with some of his critics.
9. Lack of response to requests for substantiating data required to support his positions and statements.
A city manager needs to be candid, consistent, and competent. When these qualities are perceived to be lacking it can result in credibility issues that can negatively impact the whole community. This city manager’s contract expires on May 31 of this year. It seems that it would be beneficial to Covina to not extend or renew that agreement.
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